Age: 30
Sex: male
Crime: murder (repeat offender)
End Of Full Sentence: Whole Life Tariff
Place: Wotton Lawn Hospital, Gloucester and Woodbury, Devon
Ryan Matthews (previosuly named Stephen Cecil King) was convicted of the murder of Sharon Wall 53 in 2015.
At the time of the murder he was in Wotton Lawn Hospital in a mental health unit.
In 1983 Graham Gordon Gillard and Stephen Cecil King were convicted of the murders of Michael Terence Brooke and Tina Marie Ellacott.
Patricia Ann Gillard along with Graham Gordon Gillard and Stephen Cecil King were also all convicted of conspiracy to murder Michael Terence Brooke and Tina Marie Ellacott.
Tina Ellacott 16 and Michael Brooke 38 were shot to death in an Audi in Woodbury, Devon.
see "News in Brief." Times [London, England] 27 May 1982: 6. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 3 May 2013.
see National Archives - J 311/113, J 82/4257
see Law Pages
see Dailymail